206. BITMAP - Bitmap


There is given a rectangular bitmap of size n * m. Each pixel of the bitmap is either white or black, but at least one is white. The pixel in i-th line and j-th column is called the pixel (i, j). The distance between two pixels  p1 = (i1, j1) and p2 = (i2, j2) is defined as:

d(p1, p2) = |i1 i2| + |j1j2|.

Write a program which:

·         reads the description of the bitmap from the standard input,

·         for each pixel, computes the distance to the nearest white pixel,

·         writes the results to the standard output.


Input. The number of test cases t is in the first line of input, then t test cases follow separated by an empty line. In the first line of each test case there is a pair of integer numbers n, m (1 n 182,  1 m 182) separated by a single space. In each of the following n lines of the test case exactly one zero-one word of length  m, the description of one line of the bitmap, is written. On the j-th position in the line (i + 1),  1 i n,  1 j m, is '1' if, and only if the pixel (i, j) is white.


Output. In the i-th (1in) line for each test case there should be written m integers f(i,1), ..., f(i, m) separated by single spaces, where f(i, j) is the distance from the pixel (i, j) to the nearest white pixel.


Sample Input


3 4





Sample Output

3 2 1 0

2 1 0 0

1 0 0 1




графы – поиск в глубину


Анализ алгоритма

Занесем все белые точки в очередь и запустим поиск в ширину. Таким образом будет запущен поиск одновременно из нескольких источников. Для каждой точки будет подсчитано кратчайшее рассстояние от нее до ближайшей белой точки.



Поиск в ширину из нескольких источников.



Реализация алгоритма


#include <cstdio>

#include <cstring>

#include <deque>

#define INF 0x3F3F3F3F

#define MAX 200

using namespace std;


int i, j, tests, n, m;

char g[MAX][MAX];

int dist[MAX][MAX];


deque<pair<int,int> > q; // (x, y)


void Add(int x, int y, int d)


  if ((x < 1) || (x > n) || (y < 1) || (y > m)) return;

  if (dist[x][y] != INF) return;

  dist[x][y] = d;




void bfs(void)


  int x, y;



    pair<int,int> temp = q.front();


    x = temp.first; y = temp.second;

    Add(x+1,y, dist[x][y]+1); Add(x-1,y, dist[x][y]+1);

    Add(x,y+1, dist[x][y]+1); Add(x,y-1, dist[x][y]+1);




int main(void)





    scanf("%d %d\n",&n,&m);

    for(i = 1; i <= n; i++) gets(g[i]+1);



    for(i = 1; i <= n; i++)

    for(j = 1; j <= m; j++)

      if (g[i][j] == '1')



        dist[i][j] = 0;





    for(i = 1; i <= n; i++)


      for(j = 1; j <= m; j++)

        printf("%d ",dist[i][j]);




  return 0;
